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Glossary of Zitcha Performance Metrics

0 min read • Last updated 3 May 2024

This article describes Zitcha's ad metrics to help you analyse the performance of your Orders.

Performance Overview Metrics

Zitcha Performance Overview

Upon logging into the Zitcha platform, you'll encounter your Performance Overview, providing summarized metrics for current and past orders, filterable by various variables:

  • Clicks: Total user interactions with ads.
  • Impressions: Total number of ad displays.
  • Reach: Total unique accounts that have seen your ads.
  • Spent: Amount of money allocated for ads.
  • Conversion Value: Total worth of conversions.
  • Online Sales: Revenue from campaigns on a digital storefront.
  • Offline Sales: Revenue from campaigns in a physical storefront.
  • Live Orders: Current active orders in progress.
  • New Orders: Recently initiated transactions not yet fulfilled.
  • Approved Orders: Orders confirmed after necessary approvals.
  • Completed Orders: Successfully fulfilled transactions.
  • Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS): Ratio of total revenue to advertising spend.

Onsite Metrics

Website Banner Ad & Sponsored Products

  • Clicks: User interactions with Website Banner Ad or Sponsored Product.
  • Impressions: Total times the ad is displayed.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): Percentage of clicks relative to impressions.
  • Direct Conversion Value: Total worth of directly attributed conversions.
  • Associated Conversion Value: Total worth of conversions influenced by the ad.
  • Spend: Total amount spent on the ad.
  • Purchase ROAS (Return On Ad Spend): Effectiveness of ad spend in generating revenue.

Brand Stores

Metrics for Brand Stores are Coming Soon.

Offsite Metrics

1. Facebook (Meta)

  • Clicks: User interactions with ads.
  • Link Clicks: Clicks on links within ads.
  • Impressions: Number of times ads were on-screen.
  • Reach: Number of unique accounts that saw the ads.
  • CPC (Cost Per Click): Average cost for each click.
  • CPM (Cost Per 1,000 Impressions): Average cost for 1,000 impressions.
  • Spends: Amount of money spent on ads.
  • Purchase ROAS: Total return from purchases attributed to ads.
  • Conversion Value: Total monetary value of purchases attributed to ads.

2. Google

  • Clicks: Interactions with ads.
  • Impressions: Number of times ads were displayed.
  • CPC (Cost Per Click): Average cost for each click.
  • CPM (Cost Per 1,000 Impressions): Average cost for 1,000 impressions.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): Percentage of impressions that lead to clicks.
  • Spend: Amount of money spent on ads.
  • Purchase ROAS: Return on Advertising Spend.
  • Conversion Value: Total monetary value of purchases attributed to ads.

Instore Metrics

Metrics for Instore Ads are Coming Soon.

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