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Building Templated Audiences

0 min read • Last updated 27 August 2024

Build and save Facebook and Google audience templates for future use, or load existing templates when creating new ads.

  • Building Facebook Templated Audiences:
    1. After adding a Facebook Ad to your order, go to the Audience tab and click Build new audience.
    2. Within the audience builder, set your preferred criteria such as location, age, gender, interests, and behavior. You’ll see a summary of your selection through the Audience Summary.
    3. To save your audience as a template for future use, click Save Template.
    4. Type the preferred name for your new audience. This will help you quickly identify your template at a later date. Click Save to save the template.
  • Using an existing templated audience:
    • When creating a new Facebook Ad, you can surface existing templated audiences by clicking Load from a template and selecting your preferred audience:
  • Creating Google Audience Templates:
    1. After adding a Google Ad to your order, click Build new audience.
    2. Within the Google Audience builder, set your audience criteria such as location, interests, and affinity audiences. You’ll see a summary of your selection through the Audience Summary. Click Save as template.
    3. Type the preferred name for your new audience. This will help you quickly identify your template at a later date.
    4. Click Save to save the template.
  • Using an existing templated audience:
    • When creating a new Google Ad, you can surface existing templated audiences by clicking Load from a template and selecting your preferred audience:
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