discounts - Articles Page



0 min read • Last updated 30 July 2024

This page describes Zitcha’s Discounts and how you can use them to transparently fuel your network-advertiser negotiations

Zitcha’s flexible discount types support both fixed cost and auction-based discounts. This ensures discounts are applied effectively without compromising the competitiveness of the ad placement, whilst ensuring transparency and adaptability within a network.

Discounts can be applied in various contexts; across all media in a plan, specific media types, particular placements, media schedules, or even specific ad sets.

Discounts are defined, applied and executed by the network. Discounts are visible to the advertiser that the discount applies to.

Zitcha supports two types of discounts:

  • Fixed Tenancy Discounts: Advertisers can purchase media at a discounted rate, with clear differentiation between the delivery allocation and the media budget.
  • CPM Discounts: Allows for sophisticated auction-based discounts, ensuring advertisers can maximise their media buys while enjoying discounted rates.

Discount Components

The components of discounts allow for them to be flexibly applied and transparently shared between organisations:

  • Criteria: The attributes of an ad set that determine whether it is eligible for discount.
  • Rate: The original cost for the media.
  • Discount value: A fixed numeric value or a percentage value.
  • Budget: The cost of the media after the discount has been applied.

Viewing Discounts

The Zitcha platform will represent an applied discount at the ad set level. You will be able to see the rate of the media being purchased, the discount and the cost of media after the discount has been applied.

To view discounts:

  1. Navigate to your ad set directly via:
    1. Plans & Ad Sets > Ad Sets.
    2. Dashboard > Ad Sets.
  2. To locate your ad set, filter the ad sets table.
  3. Within the ad set table, see the rate, discount and budget fields.

Applying discounts

Discounts are applied to media based on a set of criteria. A plan may have more than one discount and criteria can be layered within a single discount to granularly define eligible media. If media has an overlap in criteria between two discounts, the highest discount the media is eligible for will be applied.

ScheduleAll ad sets with the selected schedule within the plan will have the discount applied.
Media TypeAll ad sets of the specified media type within the plan will have the discount applied.
PlacementAll ad sets of the specified placement within the plan will have the discount applied.
Ad setAn individual ad set to apply a discount to.

Learn more about Plan & Ad Set Components

Discounts are managed by the network only.


Before you begin: You must decide on whether you would like to apply a fixed numeric discount or a percentage discount.

To apply a discount at the plan level:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, view the plan details page by
  2. Create a new plan, click Start Editing Plan; or
  3. Navigate to Plans & Ad Sets > Plans, click the pen next to the plan you want to discount.
  4. Click Discounts.
  5. Under the Entire Plan section, toggle between a percentage or fixed value discount.
  6. Enter your discount amount.
  7. Click Save Discounts.


Criteria can be layered to granularly define the media a discount should be applied to.

To apply a discount to specific criteria within a plan:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, view the plan details page by
  2. Create a new plan, click Start Editing Plan; or
  3. Navigate to Plans & Ad Sets > Plans, click the pen next to the plan you want to discount.
  4. Click Discounts.
  5. Under the Ad Set Properties section, choose at least one criteria. Scroll and select from the available criteria.
    For example: A single discount with the criteria Schedule =Phase One, Media Type =Sponsored Products and Placement = Homepage. The eligible ad set must have Phase One AND Sponsored Products AND Homepage to have the discount applied.
    If there are three individual discounts, one with Schedule =Phase One, another with Media Type =Sponsored Products, and one with Placement = Homepage. The eligible ad set could have Phase One OR Sponsored Products OR Homepage to have the discount applied. If the ad set meets a combination of criteria, the discount with the highest value will be applied.
  6. Toggle between a percentage or fixed value discount & enter your discount amount.
  7. Click Save Discounts.

Ad set

Ad sets are the most granular place to apply a discount. If the ad set already meets the criteria of an existing discount, a discount on the ad set level will only be applied if it is of greater value.

To apply a discount to an ad set:

  1. Navigate to your ad set directly via:
    1. Plans & Ad Sets > Ad Sets.
    2. Dashboard > Ad Sets.
  2. To locate your ad set, filter the ad sets table.
  3. Click the pen icon to expand the ad set details. Enter the discount value into the Discount field.
  4. Click Save Ad Set.
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