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How to assign Product Sets to Suppliers

0 min read • Last updated 3 May 2024

For a Supplier to be able to place a Sponsored Product Ad, a Google Smart Shopping Ad, or a Facebook Dynamic Product Ad they must have at least one product set assigned to them in Supplier settings.

To enable a Supplier to place a Sponsored Product Ad, a Google Smart Shopping Ad, or a Facebook Dynamic Product Ad, they need to have at least one product set assigned to them in Supplier settings. Here's how you can assign a Product Set to a Supplier:

  • Click on the Settings menu and select Supplier Settings.
  • Navigate to the My Suppliers tab and click on the name of the supplier you want to assign a Product Set to.
  • Select the Facebook tab to enable product sets for a Facebook Dynamic Product Ad or Sponsored Product. Alternatively, select the Google tab to enable Product Groups for a Google Smart Shopping Ad. Click the dropdown arrow next to Products.
  • Use the dropdown menu to choose which Product Sets you want to enable or disable for the Supplier.
  • Finally, click the Save Changes button at the top of the page to save your changes.
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